Field Options

Customise the behaviour and display of fields

Choosing suitable options helps make the user experience friendly, and extends the capabilities of applications.

Some options apply to all fields and others are specific to the type.

Common Options

Options common to all fields of any type

Text Field Options

Options specific to text fields

Relation Field Options

Options specific to relation fields, which determine how tables link together

Date Field Options

Options specific to date fields

Checkbox Field Options

Options specific to checkbox (true/false) fields

Number Field Options

Options specific to numeric fields

Sequence Field Options

Options specific to auto-generated numeric sequence fields

Separator Options

Options specific to separators, which form groups of fields into blocks

Referenced Data Field Options

Options specific to referenced data fields (where data is pulled in to display in a form from other places in the system)

File Field Options

Options specific to file fields, including for generating documents

Last modified November 27, 2023: Pivot table example (80c844c)