Build Patterns
Some of these are just useful ideas, some are tips and tricks and some are larger-scale build patterns for more complex tasks commonly undertaken by customers.
These tips will link to various other places in the documentation, but it will still be useful to have some experience of building in Agilebase before reading.
Settings table idea
To use a single store of a common setting throughout the application. When a setting is changed it will then automatically take effect throught the whole application.
Example: VAT rate
Snapshots idea
Taking snapshots of a set of rows from a table at a point in time allows a comparison of earlier snapshots with later ones, or the current state, to show differences.
Example: delivery van loading reports. An initial snapshot of tomorrow’s orders shows what product quantities to load onto the vans. Later snapshots, taken at any point, will show any additions/removals needed at that time, by subtracting the current order lines from previous ones.
Gap filling in monthly (or other period) reporting
When reporting monthly figures in a view (e.g. quantities sold per product per month), if there may be some gaps, they can be filled with zeros.
In outline, the solution is to
- Create a table containing one and only one record. Once a record has been created, disallow adding or removing records using table options.
- From that table create a view called e.g. ‘month series’
- Add a
calculation to that view to generate the list of months required.
A report can then be created by joining from ‘month series’ to the actual data you want to report. You may need to join on a calculation, e.g. a text representation of the month (using the to_char
function) or an amalgamation of a month and product code.
Joining on compound keys
Extending the above, what about when you want to summarise by two factors, e.g. ‘by customer by product’. In that case create calculations to make a unique key per combination e.g.
{} || ‘_’ || {}
Use the same calculation in views you want to join to and join on it.
This is much better than the ’naive’ idea of creating separate joins to each table, which won’t work.
Creating chooser views which exclude already chosen items
This is a hard one to explain in abstract, but an example might help.
Say you have a many to many relationship, represented with three tables
- Courses
- Trainers
- Course Trainers
The last table is a ‘junction table’, i.e. one which contains a relation field to courses, and another to trainers, allowing you to link trainers to courses in a many-to-many fashion. One course can have many trainers, but also trainers can train on a number of different courses each.
When editing a trainer, you want to be able to add a list of courses they teach. That can be done by creating records in the Course Trainers table, e.g. if Trainers has a tab for Course Trainers.
However, you don’t want to be able to select the same course twice for a trainer (or the same trainer more than once for a course). The way you do that is to create a view for choosing a course which excludes already chosen courses (then similar for choosing a trainer).
To do that
- Create a new view from the Courses table, to use as a chooser for a course. Let’s call it ‘all possible course trainers’ (we’ll see why in a mo.)
- Add a cross join from courses to trainers. We now have a view of all possible combinations of course and trainer
- Give each combination a unique ID by adding a text calculation
{} || '_' || {}
- Now we want to exclude the existing courses for each trainer, i.e. the existing combinations: Firstly create a new view from the Course Trainers table, ’existing course trainers’
- To that view, join to both courses and trainers, then add the same calculation
{} || '_' || {}
- From the first ‘all possible course trainers’ view, join on the calculation to the calculation in the second ’existing course trainers’ view
- Add a filter to ‘all possible course trainers’ - ensure the ID from the existing course trainers ‘is blank’, i.e. meaning the combination Course Trainers ID doesn’t exist in the list of existing course trainers.
- We now have our list of all possible course trainer combinations, excluding those which already exist in the data. Now just use this by making it the ‘view to use’ in the field options for the Course relation field in the Course Trainers table
There are two key concepts that make this work:
- The concept of cross joining, to give all possible values
- The concept of filtering to subtract the existing ‘real’ values
Together these can be useful in many other similar situations, for where you have events assigned to dates, but wish to show a list of all dates, whether they have events or not.
Including multiple aggregates from different sources
Joining from one table down to multiple child tables in order to perform aggregates will not work - you’ll experience double counting.
For example, if a customers table joins down to both ‘customer invoices’ and ‘customer complaints’, then a count(*)
calculation will return neither the number of invoices or complaints, but the product of the two i.e. the number of invoices times the number of complaints.
To solve this,
- Create one view dedicated to each aggregate calculation, created from the parent table. The view will then have one row per parent record i.e. customer in this case
- From a final view created from the parent table, join to these views in order to include the results
Calculating the number of weekdays or weekends between two dates
- Generate a series of all the dates between two dates, calculate the day of the week for each
- From a separate view, join to this series and count up all the cases where it’s not a weekend
This is necessary as calculations on the results of a generate_series often need to be done from a separate view
Outputting a ‘pivoted’ view in a printout
In a template, $view.htmlTable(“table name”, “view name”)
outputs the contents of the view.
Use $view.htmlTableTransposed(“table name”, “view name”)
instead for a pivoted version with columns and rows swapped.
Capturing dates of status changes on lookup list
Show a date field only when the dropdown reaches the desired status, using field options. Use a referenced data field to populate it with the current time.
Record Builder
Scenario: A customer tends to order the same products every time. Have an option for the system to auto fill the “standard” order every time an order is placed.
Use the tab option Populate from template.
De-duplicating a comma separated list
Calculation template:
array(select distinct unnest(
regexp_split_to_array(‘my,comma,separated,list’, ',')
array(select distinct unnest(
string_agg({b2.2) ingredient suppliers.ingredient supplier's countries of origin}, ',')
Custom filtering when choosing a relation
When choosing a relation, either in a junction table or otherwise, the system will automatically filter on the ID of any related parent record. For example, when adding order lines to a customer order, if each product is related to a customer, then the system will automatically only let the user choose products for that customer.
However it won’t filter on anything that’s more than one direct relationship away. If you want to do that, or indeed filter on anything else at all, you can create a filter calculation.
- In the relation chooser view, create a calculation e.g. ‘my relation filter’ and set it to contain the contents of what you want to filter on e.g. some other field. The calculation can be hidden.
- From the main table, create a new view. In that view, create a calculation with the same name and contents.
- Add that a cross-reference field into the main table, utilising that view. In the field options, tick use as filter
In that way, you can set the chooser to only show options relevant to the situation at hand.
Switching a field from one type to another
For example, converting a whole number field into a decimal number
- Rename the field to ‘{fieldname} old’
- Add a new field ‘{fieldname}’. This means that any calcs updated won’t have to be changed and won’t break due to mis-matching field names
- Copy all values from one field to another. The easiest way to do that is to use a workflow
- Try to delete the old field. It will show a list of views that contain it
- Edit all those views to remove references to the field and add the new field. That includes updating all calculations that reference the field to trigger the system to realise that the calc. no longer references eht old field
- Remove the old field
Finding the ’latest’ child record
A common scenario occurs when you have a one to many relationship. You want a view which shows precise info from the ’latest’ child record.
Start with parent table and join to child, add the controlling field and set the correct order. For example, sorting by ‘created on [auto]’ descending will give you the newest child record. Then go to properties and options panel when editing the view and set the Distinct Field option to the Parent table’s ID field.
You can now freely add what ever fields from the child record happy in the knowledge you’ll only have the one line per parent.
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