Security Features
Setting up users, roles, privileges and related considerations
Setting up users, roles, privileges and related considerations
How to toggle between development and standard user modes
Introducing the Agilebase as a no-code software development platform
The journey from citizen developer to software architect
Security features - users, roles and privileges. Policies and procedures
Adding, viewing and removing users
Setting up two factor authentication - a guide for all users
How AI and No Code work together in Agilebase
Allowing access to people outside the organisation
Demonstrates the basic processes of building a simple application, a good starting point
Policies and further information
Useful concepts to understand prior to building applications
Organising users into groups for better management
Tiles on the homepage are the entry point for the user to Agilebase applications
Introducing the power of Relational Databases… adding the ability to capture Company and Contact information to start building our CRM.
Tables are the building blocks of a data structure
Adding Sales Opportunity management to our CRM - using a Kanban board and DropDown fields.
The basics of working with tables
Allowing users to export data to spreadsheet
Table fields
Demonstrate how easy it is to use one of the most powerful features of agileBase… Calculations
Options common to all fields of any type
A list of field types, the purposes and options of each
Viewing, querying and reporting on log data
Customise a table’s form on-screen
Viewing usage statistics relating to users, tables and views
Views allow the user to search and manipulate data
Validating logins from a third party app
How to create a new view and place it in a navigation structure
Customising how the user navigates an application
Text, number, date/time, auto-generated number sequence and checkbox fields
Options specific to text fields
Data visualisation options
Options specific to relation fields, which determine how tables link together
Tabs allow navigation from a parent record to a related child record
Agilebase automatically exposes three-tier navigation structures
Options relevant to storing commerically sensitive or personal data
Separators, comment feeds, referenced data, file uploads, automatic fields
Adding calculations to a view
Options specific to date fields
Separators are used to group fields into blocks
Relations allow navigation from a child record to its parent
Building and working with charts
Visualising data in third party Business Intelligence tools
Using the built in calendar and integrating with third party calendars
How to change a field from one type to another
Enforcing the correctness of data entered into the system
Options which alter table behaviour
Some examples of useful calculations for each type of field (text, number etc.)
Left outer, inner and cross joins
Adding filters to a view
Options specific to checkbox (true/false) fields
Comment feeds allow collaboration between users of a system
Embed data or charts from elsewhere in the system into a form
How to add inline help to aid users of your applications
Shows which users are viewing data from this table
Helping people who have problems logging in
Creating application functionality using views
Options specific to numeric fields
Metadata fields created and managed by the system
Templates allow the automatic generation of PDF documents, or printouts
Allow people to upload or generate documents, images and other file types
Using the API and other data IO options to extract data from Agilebase and/or connect with third party systems
Using a test server to dry-run integrations
Sending data to an external tool via a database link
Many options affect how views look and behave
Each workflow can perform a single specific action
Options specific to separators, which form groups of fields into blocks
Using a view to create an API
Using a view to create a workflow
Resources typically useful in the later stages of development
These options control how data is displayed
These options affect the behaviour of a view
Some interesting solutions for common problems encountered when building apps with Agilebase
Using views to embed data from other parts of the system into a data entry form
Options specific to referenced data fields (where data is pulled in to display in a form from other places in the system)
These settings apply to the whole Agilebase account
A powerful automation feature that can allow a third party system to POST data in to Agilebase.
A powerful automation feature that can send data to third party systems.
Showing data in a form tab
Common patterns, or recipes for accomplishing useful tasks
Working with big data and complex views
Control how third party systems read data from Agilebase
Using a view to control a form - hiding/showing different areas, locking data and expanding/contracting blocks of fields on screen
Using a view to choose a record for a relation field
A worked example to send Agilebase data to a third party text messaging service using Zapier
A more complex API example showing a real world integration consisting of multiple steps
Allows comments posted in Agilebase to be shared as Slack/Teams/Google etc. notifications
Adding to or updating existing data in a table using a spreadsheet import
Logging in as a user
Further information about Agilebase automation features