Development Mode
How to toggle between development and standard user modes
How to toggle between development and standard user modes
Demonstrates the basic processes of building a simple application, a good starting point
Useful concepts to understand prior to building applications
Tiles on the homepage are the entry point for the user to Agilebase applications
Starting to develop functionality
Introducing the power of Relational Databases… adding the ability to capture Company and Contact information to start building our CRM.
Tables are the building blocks of a data structure
Adding Sales Opportunity management to our CRM - using a Kanban board and DropDown fields.
The basics of working with tables
Table fields
A list of field types, the purposes and options of each
Customise a table’s form on-screen
Views allow the user to search and manipulate data
Customise the behaviour and display of fields
How to create a new view and place it in a navigation structure
Text, number, date/time, auto-generated number sequence and checkbox fields
Options specific to text fields
Using joins to merge data from multiple sources into one view
Tabs allow navigation from a parent record to a related child record
Agilebase automatically exposes three-tier navigation structures
Options specific to date fields
Separators are used to group fields into blocks
Relations allow navigation from a child record to its parent
Options specific to checkbox (true/false) fields
Comment feeds allow collaboration between users of a system
How to add inline help to aid users of your applications
Options specific to numeric fields
Allow people to upload or generate documents, images and other file types
Options specific to separators, which form groups of fields into blocks
Options specific to referenced data fields (where data is pulled in to display in a form from other places in the system)